Na regra da FINA, existe uma seção completa que aborda o assunto e o sistema utilizado de forma mais sintética, com alguns comentários acerca:
The starting stations for all events in Olympic Games, World Championships, Regional Games and other FINA competitions shall be by seeding as follows:
SW 3.1 Heats
SW 3.1.1 The best competitive times of all entrants for the preceding twelve (12) months prior to the entry deadline of the competition, shall be submitted on entry forms and listed in order of time by the Management Committee. Swimmers who do not submit official recorded times shall be considered the slowest and shall be placed at the end of the list with a no time. Placement of swimmers with identical times or of more than one swimmer without times shall be determined by draw. Swimmers shall be placed in lanes according to the procedures set forth in SW 3.1.2. below. Swimmers shall be placed in trial heats according to submitted times in the following manner.
No item SW 3.1.1 sublinhamos um item desconhecido por muitos técnicos e nadadores a respeito de como balizar atletas com mesmo tempo (ou aqueles sem tempo): eles são “sorteados” nas raias definidas.
SW If one heat, it shall be seeded as a final and swum only during the final session.
Se existir uma só série eliminatória, não tem sentido de realizar a fase, então todos os atletas daquela prova vão direto para a final.
SW If two heats, the fastest swimmer shall be seeded in the second heat, next fastest in the first heat, next fastest in the second heat, next in the first heat, etc.
No item SW explica a forma de balizamento da fase semifinal, sempre composta de 02 séries.
SW If three heats, the fastest swimmer shall be placed in the third heat, next fastest in the second, next fastest in the first. The fourth fastest swimmer shall be placed in the third heat, the fifth in the second heat, and the sixth fastest in the first heat, the seventh fastest in the third heat, etc.
Aqui é a explicação de uma fase eliminatória com 03 séries.
SW If four or more heats, the last three heats of the event shall be seeded in accordance with SW above. The heat preceding the last three heats shall consist of the next fastest swimmers; the heat preceding the last four heats shall consist of the next fastest swimmers, etc. Lanes shall be assigned in descending order of submitted times within each heat, in accordance with the pattern outlined in SW 3.1.2 below.
Em provas com 04 ou mais séries, as 03 últimas séries seguem o sistema do item SW, enquanto as séries anteriores são balizadas de acordo com o padrão do item SW 3.1.2
SW Exception: When there are two or more heats in an event, there shall be a minimum of three swimmers seeded into any one preliminary heat, but subsequent scratches may reduce the number of swimmers in such heat to less than three.
A exceção: mínimo de 03 atletas na primeira série para provas com duas ou mais séries.
SW Where a 10 lane pool is available and equal times are established for the 8th place in the heats of 800m and 1500m Freestyle events, lane 9 will be used with a draw for lane 8 and lane 9. In case of three (3) equal times for 8th place, lane 9 and 0 will be used with a draw for lane 8, 9 and 0.
Aqui existe até uma ligação com o swim-off: em caso de piscina com 10 raias, mas utilizando-se 08, nas provas longas (800 e 1500m), caso exista empate no 8º lugar, os empatados nadam nas raias que sobram.
SW Where a 10 lane pool is not available SW 3.2.3 will apply.
Se não for possível, o swim-off deve ser realizado… Aliás, o mesmo deve valer para uma piscina de 10 raias e que as 10 raias estão sendo utilizadas.
SW 3.1.2 Except for 50 metre events in 50 metre pools, assignment of lanes shall be (number 1 lane being on the right side of the pool (0 when using pools with 10 lanes) when facing the course from the starting end) by placing the fastest swimmer or team in the centre lane in pool with an odd number of lanes, or in lane 3 or 4 respectively in pools having 6 or 8 lanes. In pools using 10 lanes, the fastest swimmer shall be placed in lane 4. The swimmer having the next fastest time is to be placed on his left, then alternating the others to right and left in accordance with the submitted times. Swimmers with identical times shall be assigned their lane positions by draw within the aforesaid pattern.
No item acima, a explicação de como é designado as raias, sendo que a raia 1 ou 0 deverá estar do lado direito da piscina da visão do lado de partida, exceto, claro, para provas de 50m em piscina de 50m. Aqui você encontra a definição da raia 4 como raia central para piscinas de 8 e 10 raias.
SW 3.1.3 When 50 metre events are contested in 50 metre pools, the races may be swum, at the discretion of the Management Committee, either from the regular starting end to the turning end or from the turning end to the starting end, depending upon such factors as existence of adequate Automatic Equipment, starter’s position, etc. The Management Committee should advise swimmers of their determination well before the start of the competition. Regardless of which way the race is swum, the swimmers shall be seeded in the same lanes in which they would be seeded if they were both starting and finishing at the starting end.
De acordo com o tipo de equipamento e instalação utilizada, nas provas de 50m em piscina de 50m podem iniciar do lado oposto da partida. Usando ou não, isso deve estar claro e avisado anteriormente aos atletas.
SW 3.2 Semi-Finals and Finals
SW 3.2.1 In the semi-finals heats shall be assigned as in SW
No caso de semifinais, o balizamento delas obedece o item SW
SW 3.2.2 Where no preliminary heats are necessary, lanes shall be assigned in accordance with SW 3.1.2 above. Where preliminary heats or semi-finals have been held, lanes shall be assigned as in SW 3.1.2 based, however, on times established in such heats.
Ah sim, nas eliminatórias, o tempo de balizamento utilizado é o tempo de inscrição, que é o melhor resultado do atleta na prova nos últimos 12 meses até a data de inscrição. No caso da semifinal e final, os tempos de balizamento serão os tempos obtidos na fase anterior.
SW 3.2.3 In the event that swimmers from the same or different heats have equal times registered to 1/100 second for either the eighth/tenth place or sixteenth/twentieth place depending on the use of 8 or 10 lanes, there shall be a swim-off to determine which swimmer shall advance to the appropriate finals. Such swim-off shall take place not less than one hour after all involved swimmers have completed their heats. Another swim-off shall take place if equal times are registered again. If required, a swim off will take place to determine 1st and 2nd reserve if equal times are recorded.
Aqui o procedimento do swim-off, o temível desempate. As colocações reservas também estão sob esta condição.
SW 3.2.4 Where one or more swimmers scratch from a semi-final or final reserves will be called in order of classifications in heats or semi-finals. The event or events must be re-seeded and supplementary sheets must be issued detailing the changes or substitutions, as prescribed in SW 3.1.2.
Os “reservas” são os dois próximos atletas na classificação para entrar na próxima fase. Numa semifinal, seriam os atletas em 17º e 18º lugar na classificação final das eliminatórias, numa piscina de 08 raias. Na final, seriam os atletas em 9º e 10º lugar na classificação final das semifinais. Os “reservas” devem ficar alertas pois podem ser chamados para substituir um atleta faltante ou doente. Caso ocorra esta substituição, deve ser feito um rebalizamento.
SW 3.2.5 For heats, semi-finals and finals, swimmers must report to the First Call Room no later than 20 minutes prior to the start of their event. After inspection, swimmers proceed to the final call-room.
Este item é bem relativo, já que 20 minutos antes do início da prova é até bastante tempo para uma competição. Mas lembrando que no Brasil, a área de balizamento também é a área de inspeção dos trajes e isso leva tempo, então para se preparar adequadamente para a prova, é recomendável que o atleta vá 20 a 30 minutos antes da prova para a área de balizamento.
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